Просмотр полной версии : I accept 3 month kontratseptiki "Mercilon", but in the middle of a cycle nachalis not...

14.07.2004, 12:27
I 3 month accept kontratseptiki "Mercilon", but in the middle of a cycle nachalis a small bleeding. Ranshe accepted "Marvelon", such prablem nebylo, but very much toshnilo. This bleeding from for malenkoj doses garmonav? What kontratseptiki vybrat (with what doses garmonov) that izbezhat these problems? To me 25 years, are perfect or absolute zdarovaja, nerazhala, weight of 59 kg. (excuse for mine Russian jazyk-I inostranka)

Malanova T.B.
18.07.2004, 09:02
At you a bleeding of break which arises in the middle of a cycle. It is necessary to increase or enlarge a dose of hormones or to change them. In absentia I do not select treatment.