Просмотр полной версии : At me never was morbid sensations during monthly, and already...

16.07.2004, 20:29
At me never was morbid sensations during monthly, and already some months successively strongly hurt a breast. Last time a papilla in general was to not touch, even when simply quickly you go, the pain is felt. And more, last time at me the blood prjamo-taki flew not stopping 2 days, and then pair drops av current of 2 more days and all. It is normal?
Cycle of regular, 28 days. The stomach or belly never hurts.

Pasenjuk A.M.
18.07.2004, 06:20
About a breast - it is desirable for US and consultation mammologa. To an occasion of " a strange bleeding " - to visit or attend the gynecologist, to make US for exception of a hyperplasia endometrija