Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvujte. U nas tolko-tolko nachinaetsja 2 aja beremennostj - posle g...

11.07.2004, 20:21
Zdravstvujte. U nas tolko-tolko nachinaetsja 2 aja beremennostj - posle godovogo pereryva s nebolshim. V pervyj raz bylo kesarevo sechenie. Vozmoghno li normalnoe techenie beremennosti i normalnye rody? I vtoroj vopros: sejchas nash malysh vse eche kormitsja materinskim molokom. Mogut li vozniknutj problemy s ego kormleniem vo vremja vtoroj beremennosti, ili ego nado ughe otuchatj ot materinskogo moloka? Spasibo bolshoe zaranee.

14.07.2004, 21:41
You understand natural labors as normal sorts or labors? After cesarean sections normal pregnancy and natural labors is possible or probable, but it depends on for what reason last time was cesarean. A way of a delivery the doctor, proceeding from the anamnesis and defines or determines currents of the given pregnancy. In general pregnancy is not contraindication for feeding by a breast. But in second half of pregnancy stimulation of a papilla can cause or call fights, therefore I on your place have stopped to this term to nurse the child. Besides I do not understand what sense to the one-year-old child to save thoracal feeding?

18.07.2004, 03:58
Spasibo bolshoe za otklik.