Просмотр полной версии : At me in urine (on nechiporenko) the huge quantity or amount of leucocytes (45 is revealed...

Marina, 22, 39 ned.beremennosti
13.07.2004, 03:42
At me in urine (on nechiporenko) it is revealed the huge quantity or amount of leucocytes (4500.) + is a thrush. At all doctors different opinion. One speaks it is necessary to spend on drink 2 weeks "Kanefron" on 2 t 3 r/d and to put down Clotrimazolum, another speaks that it is necessary to spend on drink on end 2 days Monural and to use suppositories Makmiror. The third speaks that anything to do or make it is not necessary. How to act or arrive? Advice or council of the doctor is very necessary!

The anonym
14.07.2004, 05:05
Write to section genikolog, sdes doctors are not present

18.07.2004, 01:05
You need to hand over the analysis on a chlamydia