Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. I already wrote to you about the poblemah with pains in the field of...

Tamara Z
16.07.2004, 05:46
Hello, the doctor. I already wrote to you about the poblemah with pains in the field of an ovary after abortion. Me even have invited to you probyvat to understand what's the matter. But there was a new problem. I accept logest. I needed to drink up 5 tablets up to the extremity or end of packing, and monthly already send or have come. What is it - pregnancy or response of an organism to my problems after abortion. On first time I know, that if monthly send or have come ahead of time, it be real can pregnancy. And if I am pregnant, whether to finish drinking to me packing logesta up to the extremity or end? What to me to do or make? Thanks you big!

The anonym
16.07.2004, 12:57
If mesjachngye send or have come is precisely not beremenost..

Malanova T.B.
17.07.2004, 11:36
You need control US.