Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna, to me treatment of a clamidiosis is appointed or nominated: ofloksin 200...

15.07.2004, 08:19
Dear Tatyana Borisovna, to me treatment of a clamidiosis is appointed or nominated: ofloksin 200, neovir (injections), epigen-gel. We with the husband are not protected, t. To. I did not think, that something (not so long ago handed over control analizy-all it was pure or clean) will be found out. The doctor to me has explained, that this illness or disease can "doze" and comes not always to light or is not always taped. I am afraid to begin treatment, I wish to wait monthly (to exclude pregnancy). What will you advise, these preparations are how much harmful if to accept them right at the beginning of pregnancy?

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 22:22
Treatment to spend only from first day of a cycle, to be protected on a background of treatment. Treatment incomplete.