Просмотр полной версии : At my mum a myoma 4 years. The therapist has registered to her diklofenag (vnutrimyshechn...

16.07.2004, 14:36
At my mum a myoma 4 years. The therapist has registered to her diklofenag (intramusculary) in connection with the begun radiculitis, however in a drugstore to her have not given this medicine, having explained to those, it is what is it dangerous to the people having a myoma, and that without the permission of the gynecologist they cannot give out to her this medicine. Whether so it? What will you advise to accept?

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 21:32
Kakoj-any risk of a bleeding can be, but small. In absentia treatment is not appointed or nominated.