Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 36 weeks. A myopia of a high degree, therefore should be according to plan...

16.07.2004, 17:15
Pregnancy of 36 weeks. A myopia of a high degree, therefore should be scheduled cesarean. To me offer spinal (epidural) anesthesia. What complications after it or her can be and what is better to choose - such anesthesia or vse-taki the general or common? Thanks.

16.07.2004, 19:22
I have given birth to the daughter, godi a month ago, through cesarean. Anesthesia was epidural. At me what consequences were not, and at several mums given birth or travailled in the same way. Before operation with me the anaesthesiologist and on a question on consequences ovetil spoke, what is it very rare or infrequent case when there are consequences... You the main thing do not worry, all will be good.