Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor, Now I live in Israel. Term 17, 5 weeks. I am surveyed at chastnog...

15.07.2004, 16:43
Uv. The doctor,
Now I live in Israel. Term 17, 5 weeks. I am surveyed at the private or individual gynecologist. Has appointed or nominated to me analyses to amniotic fiber, the analysis of a blood, urine. I was surprised, that there is no analysis on bakposev. How much or As far as I know, at us usually it or him do or make. At me is small allocation of white color. The doctor has looked or seen on an armchair and has told or said (without the analysis!), what is it a thrush. Has there and then given one tablet Agisten and has told or said, that basically if the itch does not disturb it is possible and to not treat - all the same she will appear again. I have asked, whether it will be necessary to treat before sorts or labors (to not infect the child)? The Doctor has told or said, that is not necessary. Respond please to three questions:
1. Whether it is valid at pregnancy necessarily to treat a thrush?
2. Whether it is harmful Agisten at pregnancy?
2. Whether it is necessary to treat a thrush one tablet Agistena? How much or as far as I know, our doctors recommend to pass or take place course of treatment till 7 days.

Pasenjuk A.M.
16.07.2004, 16:23
Yes, really it is not obligatory, if there is no expressed clinic (but it is necessary to be surveyed for infections). Agisten it is impossible to apply at pregnancy, only under strict indications.