Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. At a delay week and two strias on the test or dough;father-in-law, has gone from ljubopyt...

13.07.2004, 00:59
Good afternoon. At a delay week and two strias on the test or dough;father-in-law, has gone with curiosity on US. On itself have given out the following: a fetal egg in cavities of the uterus, 16 mm, term of 5 weeks, in the field of vnur. Fauces a site of amotio or detachment of a chorion of 9* 6 mm, a yellow body on the right, menacing abortion. I have visited or attended the gynecologist and on the basis of US and survey to me have registered following medicines: betadin 14 from a thrush which was revealed with a smear, other infections the smear has not shown, Vitamin E of 200 mg a day, suppositories with a papaverine 2 times a day are rectal for the night, djufaston 1 in day on vsjak a case and mikrofolin 1/4 tablets, after dny the preparation very much guards me, to summaries is written, that at the beginning of its or his use it is necessary to be convinced of absence of pregnancy and that bleedings are possible or probable. At me following some questions, it is how much possible to trust indications of US on so small term, whether efektivno the treatment appointed or nominated to me, appointed or nominated that except for a smear and the analysis on HGCH, which doctor yet did not see. The analysis on HGCH 6450 at norm or rate 1-100.
In occasion of my state of health, up to term predpologaemoj a menses at me nemnoggo pulled a stomach or belly, after the passed or taken place term of a pain there was a feeling raspiranija, dalenija and weariness, it appears very seldom, after fiz. Loads, for a short while and slabovyrazheno, couple of days back the beginning podtashnivat after a dinner, up to term predpologaeioj a menses the breast has bulked up. Krovjanistyh vydeleny is not present, strong pazmaticheskih be ill or sick I do not feel. BT kolebletsja in district 37, 2 37, 4, a body temperature 36, 9 37, 3. The general or common state of health very good, I can skip a horse t. With. Whether Now I keep a confinement to bed and I think it is correctly diagnosed. Tell or say, please, noskolko the diagnosis and treatment and what percent or interest of probability of successful end of pregnancy, t is proved. e. 9 months + labors)

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 15:52
Pregnancy is correctly put to you, as well as vozimozhnaja amotio or detachment. Why you subject someneniju purposes or appointments of the doctor???? I would exclude only betadin.