Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Doctor! At me to you such question: For 2 years...

Olga And.
16.07.2004, 05:42
Hello, the dear Doctor!

At me to you such question:

2 years prior to pregnancy at us has appeared kotik. On a duration of gestation of 17 weeks I have made the analysis of a blood on a toxoplasmosis. The analysis on antibodies of M has appeared in norm or rate, that is negative. And antibodies of class G instead of 25 (norms or rates) have appeared 54.6, that is in 2 times above. I began to ask the doctor, and she to me has told or said, that by results, I have caught and have had been ill with a toxoplasmosis, however when I have had been ill - it is not known. To me have advised to make the analysis in dynamics or changes, that is to make the repeated analysis in a month after the first. Today since morning I have again handed over the analysis of a blood on a toxoplasmosis. Whether correctly I understand, what if again antibodies of M will be not found out, and antibodies G - will appear same, as well as last time - that that's all right? Whether it is possible to explain in that case povyshenye anntitela G simply postojanym stay in we wash the house of a cat? In indications anititel G it is possible to consider or count what disorder same, as well as for the first time? And more a question - on 16 j to week to me did or made US and the doctor has told or said, that any pathology it is not revealed, however as organs up to the extremity or end were not generated, up to the extremity or end to answer this question while early. Tell or say, whether can reveal US the deviations or rejections connected with a toxoplasmosis (if this infection kak-that has affected or has had an effect on razvitiii a fetus). If yes, what? Probably, blindness to find out vooobshche it is impossible?

With impatience I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply, Olga And.

Pasenjuk A.M.
16.07.2004, 08:04
If the immunoglobulin is revealed will not be necessary to calm down. No, constant stay of a cat will not affect or not have an effect a level of antibodies. Developmental anomalies of a fetus infected toksoplazmoj cannot be revealed at US