Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please where it is possible to learn or find out the list of the preparations supposed at...

The anonym
09.07.2004, 16:50
Tell or Say please where it is possible to learn or find out the list of the preparations supposed at ber-ti? I Mean, when the person should accept something constantly. Thanks!

Denisova E.A.
11.07.2004, 10:41
I have not absolutely understood a question. It is constantly possible to accept vitamins (and that with breaks). Folic often appoint or nominate. Or something another interests?

13.07.2004, 21:35
If are available in view of preparations for treatment of chronic diseases it is separately discussed with treating vrachem, decrease of dosages probably is required...

16.07.2004, 06:10
If you mean vitamins complex it is constant, Acidum folicum appoint or nominate, at me the hemoglobin has decreased and shchas already couple of months I drink an iron preparation, against possible or probable thrombuses have appointed or nominated Curantylum. And voobshche-that it individually under indications of analyses