Просмотр полной версии : Dear women! Who something can tell or say about a maternity home on street Tambasova in...

10.07.2004, 06:03
Dear women! Who can something tell or say about a maternity home on street Tambasova in S.Peterburge?

12.07.2004, 15:41
Svetlana, hello! I just am going to to give birth or travail in 10 m a maternity home on Tambasova, they are now closed on an aeration up to 18.10, that is very good, as everyone advise to give birth or travail in maternity homes after an aeration: less infections will be! At me much familiar girls gave birth or travailled in this maternity home and neighbours, t. To. I live on Tambasova and bad I did not hear anything. I can advise to come to you on a site of Petersburg parents www. littleone. ru, there it is a lot of responses about various maternity homes and about 10 m on Tambasova, esteem, I have already chosen the doctor with whom I shall give birth or I shall travail and 1 we shall go to conclude the contract, and to give birth or travail to us in nachale-to the middle of December, call on t. To 1306414 you everyone will tell about possible or probable variants of sorts or labors, the prices, etc. But I think, what is it a good choice, ourselves too very longly chose, because it is a lot of and other good places, but have stopped on this variant! Success to you, write, if learn or find out something interesting

15.07.2004, 13:35
Margosha, thanks for the answer!
And to us to give birth or travail in seredine-the extremity or end of December!
Almost with you simultaneously.
And in how much to you the conclusion of the contract with the concrete doctor (with what, by the way, if not a secret) will manage?

16.07.2004, 05:45
Light, individual labors at them cost or stand 15000, it when after 34 you conclude the contract with the certain doctor, a cat. Conducts you up to sorts or labors and in day of sorts or labors comes to a maternity home even from the house and accepts labors only at you with the obstetrix or obstetrics, with a cat. She works, then 3 h local chamber, a cat. Enters into this cost and if want separate, the husband here at me wants that there was otd-I chamber, and I too they cost or stand from 2500 for all time pribyvanija in a maternity home, but cost depend on convenience (for example if chamber for 2500 the douche, a toilet will be on 5 chambers and if is more dear or expensive only at you in chamber, well about it we learn or find out precisely when we shall go to conclude the contract); and 5000 at them labors only with the obstetrix or obstetrics, a cat cost or stand. After 37 you will observe, and labors will be accepted by any doctor on duty, not only at you, and at all who will give birth or travail for that moment.
I znaju-am good doctors of Koloeva Valentine Vasilevna (at it or her we shall give birth or shall travail) and Bulaeva Natalia Jurevna.
Here like all would tell, if want, Light, write to me to a box: www. markingena@mail. ru, I shall tell to you then about the contract and labors, and you for whom wait, we the girl and why you have chosen this maternity home? Success to you, write