Просмотр полной версии : To the girl fifteen years. Having solved or decided, that she thick (it at body height 1.60 she weight...

13.07.2004, 00:14
To the girl fifteen years. Having solved or decided, that she thick (it at body height 1.60 she weighed about 60 kg) she has decided to grow thin and has ceased to eat, has grown thin for 1 month for 15 kg, and these are 25 % of its or her weight!. At it or her have stopped monthly and now she continues to grow thin, already besides its or her will, almost nothing eats, appetite is lowered. Has gone to the gynecologist and that to her has told or said, that it is necessary to eat more densely and has registered to her hormonal preparations, not having made any analyses, except for analyses of the general or common of a blood (a blood good), but - to mine a problem complex and the termination or discontinuance mesjachnyh-this consequence or investigation of any processes in an organism, and not just sphere of gynecology, and we at all do not know to what else expert. It is necessary to address in such situatsiikakie inspections to make? Also the problem of psychological character (as has induced the girl to grow thin) Here is available, but now the weight decreases, have probably occured or happened any naruzhenija somatic character. Prompt, where it is possible to consult in Moscow in this occasion?

14.07.2004, 16:29
Six years back same history was with me. I, the truth, weighed, 57 kilo at body height 1, 68, but have grown thin up to 49 kilo. All it as now I understand, from absence of brains and presence, unfortunately, will powers. Half a year was not monthly, then me have pierced Progesteronum, have advised to type or collect weight, and monthly have returned. I for a year have typed or collected weight up to 54 kg, but already five years I am excruciated by strong constipations (from long absence of meat and some other products the organism has forgot to digest, probably, them). Accordingly, I drink laxatives. Really I feel, that for these years heart (laxatives deduce or remove a potassium which influences a cardiac musle) though to me only 24, I often feel heart - and an arrhythmia has strongly sat down, and bakes, etc., and will worry enough if so it is absolutely terrible. Chain reaction, v-the general or common. The majority of problems - from then nonsense. So do not start this business. Call for sports that the body was beautiful (as speak, the thin cow still not a gazelle), and what to go in for sports, it is necessary to eat. Reasonably. Here such business or affairs.

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 04:14
Consultation of the psychiatrist in interaction with ginekologom-the endocrinologist is urgently necessary. Any hormones sojchas to accept it is impossible.