Просмотр полной версии : Hello dear sirs doctors at me to you such question, I live in Ro...

11.07.2004, 15:49
Hello dear sirs doctors at me to you such question, I live in Rostov, there is an opportunity to go on EKO to Moscow or Sankt-Petersburg, (I am going to to arrive in March) has now gone to hand over analyses for EKO in the Rostov institute of obstetrics and pediatrics where did or made laporoskopiju in the summer, at delivery of analyses they demand to specify what methods to do or make analyses, t. To meal in other city it would be would be desirable that all correctly, here ihpredlozhenija: 1. hlamidii-PTSR, a blood, an antigen. 2. A ureaplasma, mikoplazma-a blood, PTSR, crop. 3. gardnerella-PTSR, crop. 4. VPG, TSMV-PTSR, a blood. Specify antispermalnye bodies on on as to both spouses, there do not know that such morphology. If probably explain, and MAR the test?, and whether to hand over a hormone of a thyroid gland if yes that what? Also that else is necessary, inform what methods it is necessary to use, and more in August 2003 did or made laporoskopiju, have found out 3 adherent or adhesive process, hydrosalpinxes in pipes, an endometriosis 1, have appointed or nominated Zoladeks, here now I after Zoladeksa, and further nikakgo oobsledovanija, to when I have asked can pass at once then to EKO, the doctor has told or said vkoem a case it while it is not necessary for me t. To me 20 years will still be was in time, to do or make EKO they to me do not want, but I simply cannot live easy I know estest. Whether pregnancy hardly will be will accept me in other center for carrying out EKO, and whether correctly I do or make being going to on it or him, iznite for such letter, all have alternately written, please specify about analyses, thanks for answers.

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.07.2004, 01:27
Maryanna! You can communicate with me on my office numbers in my working days and find out all njuansy inspections.
Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO/IKSI you can
Preliminary to enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./

Time of reception:
poedelnik, medium and Thursday with 9 up to 20;
Friday from 9 o'clock till 14 o'clock

Rabaev S.G.
16.07.2004, 03:28
Uv. Maryanna in each center engaged treatment of sterility or barrenness is the list of obligatory analyses for carrying out of procedure EKO and the list dop. (under the discretion of the attending physician) researches. First of all be defined or determined with clinic where will spend EKO (posmltrite on a site www. probirka. ru) contact the doctor and be defined or determined with volume of necessary analyses. Ph. for dop. Consultations and records on procedure EKO (095 7249099 savely Gavrilovich. Clinic " Optimum health " at TSKB the Russian Academy of Science Moscow.