Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or say, please, as it is possible to establish or install the exact reason vozn...

15.07.2004, 00:11
Hello! Tell or say, please, as it is possible to establish or install the exact reason of occurrence of strong painful sensations at such positions of the sexual certificate or act when deep penetration of a sexual member is reached or achieved? In my case there can be two reasons - or disharmony of the sizes of organs, or spechnyj process of organs of a small basin (ovaries in solderings) is simple. If more probable reason is adherent or adhesive process why there is a pain and as from it or this to get rid. My gynecologist does not advise to run courses magnitolazernye, etc. - speaks, that it is better to not touch or not tamper with. In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 03:14
Magnitolazernaja therapy is not used at adherent or adhesive process. There are other variants, more effective. And specification of the reason of pains probably only at survey.