Просмотр полной версии : I am pregnant and in me have found out tsitomegalovirusnuju infektsijaju. Mine the doctor skaz...

14.07.2004, 09:47
I am pregnant and in me have found out tsitomegalovirusnuju infektsijaju. I the doctor has told or said, that no trouble for a fetus is not present, has registered suppositories Kipferon. Whether So it is dangerous to a fetus and how to treat, if it in general to be treated? Thanks.

The anonym
15.07.2004, 04:08
CMV ne lechitca voobsche i 90 % vzroslogo i zdorovogo naselenia nashei planety emeeut etot virus v svoem organizme. Po kharakteru antitel na CMV vam dolzhny byli skazat: pereboleli li vy davno ili toliko chto zarazilic. Esli pervoe (IgG antitela) - OTLICHNO!!! U vas est immunitet i vash rebynok vne opasnosti. Esli vtoroe (IgM antitela) - ochen ploho. Est risk zarazhenia rebenka vnytriytrobno s ochen tyazhelymi posledstviyami kak vrozhdennye defecty. Sprosite vashego doctora o charactere antitel i chto delat dalishe.

16.07.2004, 02:41
Do chego zhe BEZGRAMOTNY nashi vrachi! Vot neskolko zapadnyh ssylok o CMV (citomegalovirus.) Ne pozhaleite vremeni ili deneg - perevedite. Tam vy naidete VSE otvety na vashi voprosy o CMV. 1) http: / / www. geocities. com/Heartland/Valley/6727/CMV/cmv. html 2) https: / / www. mylifepath. com/topic/cmv 3) http: / / www. cdc. gov/ncidod/diseases/cmv. htm