Просмотр полной версии : Hello! From sterility or barrenness I am flied or treated a year. The first doctor could achieve roofing felt...

13.07.2004, 17:02
Hello! From sterility or barrenness I am flied or treated a year. The first doctor could achieve only that ovaries in general have ceased to work, t. e. At me on US it is visible on 1 2 dominant or prepotent follicles, but at the moment of an ovulation they disappear or simply decrease in sizes. The yellow body is not present. Still, in the additive, at me not narostaet endometry, its or his thickness only 7 mm, on two weeks pasted Klimaru so endometry became in general 6 mm. The second doctor has checked up me on permeability of pipes - pipes are passed or taken place;passable. Has appointed or nominated stimulation klostilbegidom to a following cycle. I accepted this cycle with 5 on 25 d. ts. - Microfollinum, and utrozhestan with 16 on 25 d. ts. Today at me 30 d. ts. A menses is not present, the test for pregnancy has shown two strias. The doctor spoke, that in this cycle I am exact I can not zaberemennet. And how you consider or count? And whether in general tselesoobrazno-to me to do or make stimulation? It already will be my third stimulation. I thank.

Malanova T.B.
16.07.2004, 00:41
If pipes are passed or taken place;passable, at you can be and independent pregnancy. Pr to a delay more than 7 days descend or go on US.