Просмотр полной версии : At me such problem: last 3 4 months after affinity of days for 7 up to me...

19.06.2004, 09:44
I almost year drink " three mersi " it is necessary to do or make a break? And not povlijaetli application of these tablets on my organism and the child (in the future). How much or as far as these tablets are safe? Whether there will be at me again spots after the termination or ending of application. In advance thanks!

Malanova T.B.
22.06.2004, 08:53
Reception of any medicines is not absolutely harmless to anybody. You choose: or pregnancy and abortion, or reception OK. Your right.

13.07.2004, 15:32
At me such problem: last 3 4 months after affinity of days for 7 up to a menses happen krovjanistye allocation. Menstuatsija after that does not begin. All stops. "Smears" only after affinity. What is it can be?
I drink Novinte 2, 5 years, at me erosion shejki uteruses.

Malanova T.B.
15.07.2004, 15:59
These are displays of a pathology shejki, so-called " contact krovjanistye allocation ". You should borrow or occupy shejkoj.