Просмотр полной версии : Hello, dear L.Soboleva! Whether prompt, please, necessarily...

14.07.2004, 06:19
Hello, dear L.Soboleva! Whether prompt, please, necessarily at pregnancy (now term of 20 weeks) to hand over a smear on such infections, how a herpes, a cytomegalovirus, to chlamydias, etc.? During the first pregnancy I similar did not hand over anything, and now the doctor insists on this analysis. He enough dear or expensive, therefore I would not like to hand over it or him "just in case". Advise how to be, please? In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
15.07.2004, 14:55
Hello, Olga! Research on chronic infections is desirable for spending up to pregnancy and if is not present - that during. I think, that if you have any attributes of an infection, there were herpes during pregnancy and other displays of depression of immunity the analysis is obligatory. If is not present - perhaps, it will be possible to manage and it or him.