Просмотр полной версии : What basal temperature should be at the healthy person in the first phase...

14.07.2004, 13:18
What basal temperature should be at the healthy person in the first phase and in the second. At me 15.04 - 36, 6 16 36, 5 17 36, 6 18 36, 5 19 36, 6 20 36, 6 21 36, 5 22 36, 6 23 36, 6 24 36, 5 25 36, 6 26 36, 9 27 36, 8 28 36, 8 Monthly 4 numbers of each month begin and go about 5 days. It is normal or not temperature?

The anonym
15.07.2004, 07:07
In general that bt it is individual also the main thing that was skachoe bt 0, 4 degrees. If to judge on bt (and it very much not a reliable method) at you a late ovulation. Rise of temperature only for 26 day and that not so. And then the temperature does not keep. If monthly 4 numbers that 2 phase poluchetsja too short begin. 9 days of all at the minimal 11 12 days of days. Most likely at you a disadvantage of Oestradiolum (t. To. The ovulation poznjaja if at all is) and accordingly Progesteronum (a hormone of the second phase). Hand over a blood. But to hand over it is necessary in a complex. e. Hormones are connected among themselves and it is necessary to hand over even Prolactinum, Oestradiolum (1 phase) and Progesteronum. At raised or increased Prolactinum suffer estr and progest-n. At normal Prolactinum Oestradiolum and then rogesteron too will be low can be lowered. Hand over a blood on hormones and make uzi monitoring of an ovulation. Success.
www. feminaweb. narod. ru

15.07.2004, 11:13
And you correctly measured it or her. Measurement provrditsja in the morning as soon as was opened with eyes, not rising with beds. pomerjajte still time as where that for 13 day (at whom as) temperature should is risen up to 37 (can and above) - there is an ovulation.