Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, and it is possible to be engaged in sex at pregnancy, not opas...

06.07.2004, 15:07
Prompt, please, and it is possible to be engaged in sex at pregnancy, whether it is dangerous to the child, whether can provoke vykidysh.

08.07.2004, 12:38
This question is better for setting to the gynecologist observing you, t. To. on/she owns the fullest information on current of your pregnancy. In general at absence of any complications during the present or true pregnancy, or previous (if pregnancy not the first), employment or occupations by sex are not contraindication. Continence or the moderate sex activity in the first 12 ned Is recommended. And after 35 36., t. To. These are the most vulnerable periods of pregnancy. Success.

The anonym
10.07.2004, 14:45
Many doctors do not forbid (if there are no contraindications) in general on any terms. It strengthens an organism as a whole, and also trains a uterus and a vagina, improves a microflora. Address to the doctor.

13.07.2004, 21:59
Certainly ask the doctor. .a on this question it is a lot of clauses or articles and the Internet. .poishchite. .pochitajte..

15.07.2004, 10:38
And my doctor has told or said, that till 12 weeks it is better to suffer. Say, sharp movements and reductions of a uterus can provoke an abortion. And after 12 weeks - - as much as necessary...