Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Name please several known and proved on pra...

12.07.2004, 04:39
Name please several known and proved on practice the highest professionalism embriologov and in what clinics they work?


Kamenetskij B.A.
15.07.2004, 08:03
Larissa! I do not think, that somebody can respond you to this question. Probably it would be possible to name in district of ten experts, it is valid experts (excuse for a tautology), but anyhow my opinion will be prejudiced. Embriologi in general " fighters of invisible front " and very much often their work remains not noticed for the patient. The success is defined or determined with the command, t. e. Normal job of the doctor and embriologa. Therefore it is possible to judge it or this to indirect attributes, t. e by results of job of clinic, to responses of patients and t. Item