Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please with what can be connected menstrualnopodobnye allocation...

13.07.2004, 17:41
Tell or Say please with what can be connected menstrualnopodobnye allocation in the middle of a cycle. Last monthly were from February, 1 till February, 3rd and here today again, though usually interval of 28 days (all life all was regular). To me 33 years, it was completely surveyed at the gynecologist in the summer, handed over all smears, all was by way of. Thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
15.07.2004, 01:39
Dear Ljuba! Basically insignificant krovjanistye allocation in the middle of a cycle are possible or probable (are caused by an ovulation). If it is a question about appreciable vydelenijah - probably, that function of ovaries is broken or disturbed. It can sometimes be razovo iz-for stress, overworks, etc. If such will repeat or allocation will be long or plentiful - address to the doctor.