Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna! To me have given the list of analyses which it is necessary sd...

14.07.2004, 09:59
Dear Alla Mihajlovna!
To me have given the list of analyses which it is necessary to hand over before operation.
I have handed over all. Has come on hospitalization in MONIIAG.
The last was temporarily postponed iz-for shortage of triangular press or seals not analyses. But here, that the most important:
To me have told or said on my question on necessity to be operated in 1 half of cycle, what is it not so.
And a laparoscopy + a hysteroscopy do or make in 2 half... (and in general by way of turn - as it will turn out) whether So it? I read archive you spoke it seems not so about a laparoscopy.
I shall remind, at me a polyp 1 + miomnyj 0. 9?? + site suspicion on an internal and external endometriosis.
If senior honey. The sister (namely she has given me such answer) is not right, as to me tactfully to insist on the . In fact health one!!! To risk it would not be desirable. Can tell or say: it is not pleasant go to other place and be operated! And in what a difference when do or make operation in 1 and in 2 half of cycle?
And more a smear on flora: shejka - 315/3 36, has fallen. * ** it (is not clearly written), leucocytes - 20 40, epit. Cells - it is moderated or moderate. The doctor taken a smear spoke about kokvyh... As to me to improve this analysis. Likely at such zrachenii leucocytes it is not desirable to be operated? In MONIIAG - e analyses have looked or seen and have told or said it's OK. Mum speaks, that is not present. Advise please, to me except for you to address not where. Thanks huge.

Pasenjuk A.M.
14.07.2004, 19:50
There are two opinions on terms of carrying out of a hysteroscopy (because the laparoscopy can be spent in any day of a cycle except for a menses): Jacque Hamo's scientific school to which opinion I adhere, recommends a hysteroscopy for 5 7 day of a cycle, emphasizing, that so the pathology is is better visible and the mistake or error in diagnostics iz-for razrosshegosja before a menses endometrija is excluded; other point of view (accepted in Russia) - it is necessary to do or make GS before a menses, tk to decrease the hemorrhage and all is visible. How much or as far as I know, in MONIAG to you to overpersuade nobody and the special difference basically will not be, necessarily discuss with the surgeon carrying out hromosalpingoskopii (the test for permeability of uterine pipes)
To be operated on a background of such smear not well, therefore treat terzhinanom or betadinom or ginalginom - with vulval or vaginal suppositories.