Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, explain please, than it is caused will lock to accept aktivirovanny...

12.07.2004, 02:47
The doctor, explain please, than it is caused will lock to accept the activated coal and antibiotics at reception marvelona, specified in summaries, and how to be, if to accept these preparations vsyozhe it is necessary? And more that is understood under possible or probable nagrubaniem the papillas, mentioned in the summary? In advance thanks from me and my woman.

Soboleva L.I.
13.07.2004, 11:41
Hello. Artem! You are mistaken, there is no such interdiction. In summaries to a preparation, probably, it is specified, that antibiotics and coal can reduce contraceptive action. The output or exit is simple - contraceptives need to be accepted up to (or after) the antibiotics, the activated coal. So that the time interval has made at least 3 hours.
As to nagrubanija papillas is a subjective sensation of the woman when dummies or papillas as though "swell" or "nabuhajut".

14.07.2004, 19:29
Many thanks, the doctor!