Просмотр полной версии : What is afp and on what it influences at pregnancy...

13.07.2004, 02:48
What is afp and on what it influences at pregnancy

Talanova E.J.
14.07.2004, 13:07
Dear Masha! AFP (alfa-the fetoprotein) is a serumal marker which research of a level in the certain terms (16 20 weeks) serves as a relative parameter of how there is a fetation. Deviations or rejections from norms or rates (if they are as norms or rates are wide enough) serve as the indicator of that in a fetation there are deviations or rejections. The nature of deviations or rejections by means of value or meaning;importance of this marker to define or determine it is impossible, t. e. A role of this marker in diagnostics - t. n. Primary screening of possible or probable deviations or rejections.