Просмотр полной версии : Hello, dear Nail SHamilevich. I was treated for an endometriosis, bojus...

14.07.2004, 01:18
Hello, dear Nail SHamilevich.
I was treated for an endometriosis, I am afraid of relapse. Has passed or has taken place inspection on US. 25 day mts. Rezultat-" the centers of an endometriosis are not found out, a uterus of a normal amount, structure or frame weakly honeycomb, thickness endometrija 1, 5. The right ovary 2, 82, 6, levyj-3, 32, 5. Both of an ovary without features. " All would be normal, if was not premenstrual vydeleny, temno-brown color. I already wrote to you in this occasion, you have advised I will address to you on reception, but not moskvichka. Whether As I can learn or find out there is at me an endocrine disturbance f-tsii ovaries, to hand over on hormones or any other analyses? Uzi shows it?
Yours faithfully

Irtuganov N.S.
14.07.2004, 11:53
Dear Inna! Optimum - the control of rectal temperature 2 3 cycles. Then can pass me schedules on el. To mail if there will be deviations or rejections from norm or rate - we shall solve the problem on the further steps.