Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One month ago operation (laparoscopy) has been made - is extrauterine...

11.07.2004, 18:16
One month ago operation (laparoscopy) - an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis as tubal abortion, soputstvujushchijdiagnoz-a chronic salpingitis has been made. Solderings on the second pipe the solution of Furacilinum is dissect, entered. The pipe is not passed or not taken place;not passable. It is appointed or nominated fiziolechenie - UZ and the laser. References - 6 months preservation OK, then new attempt. Treatment insufficient seems to me, that, besides there is a pavor of offensive or approach 2 oh extrauterine. At me group of a blood 4, a rhesus otr. At the husband polodit. Pregnancy already the second. Tell or say, what it is possible to undertake? Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
13.07.2004, 14:02
At presence of a uterine pipe ikljuchit offensive or approach of a repeated extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis is impossible. In peredohranenie from pregnancy within 6 months of sense is not present.