Просмотр полной версии : Has gone to be registered, beremennost-6 weeks. AT survey the gynecologist has found...

10.07.2004, 07:09
Has gone to be registered, beremennost-6 weeks. AT survey the gynecologist has found at me a condyloma whether a papilloma - one piece, the size approximately 1* 1* 0, 5 mm, is directly at the beginning of a sexual cleft or rima and it is slightly covered by pubic hair, therefore probably earlier and nobody saw it or him, except for me, and at me he very much for a long time - years 8 probably, instead of knew what is it such, and did not worry. For these or it 8 years it has not changed in any way - in sense has not grown, has not changed color - corporal color. In general, the gynecologist on me has started to yell, has told or said, that it is necessary or to delete, or I shall give birth or shall travail through cesarean.
It or Her predozhenija djstvitelno are correct?

Malanova T.B.
13.07.2004, 03:09
1. During pregnancy usually condylomas increase or are enlarged both in sizes, and in the number. 2. Treatments of condylomas during pregnancy do not spend. 3. To give birth or travail, probably, really it is necessary operatively.