Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please. Whether my fears, if are proved at a birth of the child...

11.07.2004, 15:06
Tell or Say please. Whether my fears if at a birth of the child, waters send or have departed earlier, birthes are proved. And the child was born later 13 hours, by means of stimulators. Whether it will be reflected on development in the further?

13.07.2004, 02:12
My child was born in 15 hours after send or have departed waters, now 6, 5 years and we have handed over to him at entering on the program 2 classes, has learned to read and consider or count earlier than it or him have started to learn or teach it or this, the logic thinking is very developed.:) what exactly confuses you? 13 hours are physiologically normal term for sorts or labors if you worry that send or have departed waters it or this too it is not necessary to do or make:) - the child never, never remains absolutely without waters:) it longly to explain
, But if it zainteresuet-I shall explain you. Stimulators certainly not so well (personally to me them did not do or make), on them anything more or less exact I can not tell or say, but with it or him give birth or travail to too many women. I think you in vain worry:) Health to you and your kid!