Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I 3 j accept month zhanin, For 15 day of reception the beginning with...

09.07.2004, 15:53
The dear doctor, I 3 j accept month zhanin,
For 15 day of reception the beginning strongly to pull a stomach or belly, and then were krovjannye allocation...... How for vydeleny plentiful and how for monthly poor or scanty, but went days 6 and all these days the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick, now a break, already 4 j day, but in this break monthly and have not begun, can on 15 j day were my monthly? Only why they have begun a week earlier
Failure can was?

11.07.2004, 10:03
Sm (on January, 29th 20 : 19 : 36)
Whether and more prompt pozhalusta influence kakto these failures in a menses at reception zhanina, protection of this preparation against pregnancy? In fact monthly either have not come or stepped, or have begun earlier.

Soboleva L.I.
12.07.2004, 21:07
Hello! In the middle of next month necessarily make US to find out the preparation contraceptive an effect or a dose of hormones for you has is small. Before use barrier agents. Basically such allocation in the first months of reception OK are possible or probable, but it is not excluded, that the preparation does not approach or suit you.