Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to me 22 years, rost-156, ves-60 and at that weight constantly menjae...

Karina, 22 years
11.07.2004, 09:26
Hello, to me 22 years, rost-156, ves-60 and at that the weight constantly varies, itself I do not understand from what, but within the limits of 55 62. I wish to pass to hormonal contraception. The doctor has written out Harmonet, whether it is possible to recover from it or him and whether there is any positive effect, for example retardation of body height of hair on a body? Thanks!!!!

12.07.2004, 13:34
Hi, Karina. I have finished reception of first pack Harmoneta. Now 7 dnevnyj a break. (me 19 years) I Shall tell about the observations. Nothing felt the first days, I have begun reception in 1 yj day monthly, but they at me and have not ended, were constantly bloody allocation, but to me have told or said what to worry it is not necessary. Has then noticed, that at me the breast has a little increased, know me it very much has pleased, as she at me small. But have started to appear and collateral dejstvija-it is tearfulness, a depression, a small nausea in the mornings. On Saturday I need to start to drink 2 uju a pack and I am afraid a little, that nebylo is worse. .sejchas here I think costs or stands or not because nachitalas different histories and it would not be desirable same to test on itself. Though at all an organism different, I think to try or taste you costs or stands..

Soboleva L.I.
12.07.2004, 19:31
Zdzhravstvujte! Selection of contraceptives is carried out by the doctor internally so better a preparation nobody will pick up the attending physician. This preparation practically does not influence weight. He improves a status of a skin, hair, decrease of body height of hair in gormonalno-dependent zones is possible or probable. Also remember, that each preparation on different people operates or works - to a miscellaneous.