Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I accept OK. In the summary to a preparation it is told or said, that is necessary...

10.07.2004, 11:15
The dear doctor! I accept OK. In the summary to a preparation it is told or said, that it is necessary to drink 21 dragees, then to do or make a break for a week, then to begin new packing. Whether prompt, please, it is necessary within this week (when having rummaged in reception of a preparation) to use additional barrier methods of contraception at employment or occupations by sex. My guy the awful overcautious person, he considers or counts, that during this period action OK comes to an end and it is necessary to use a condom. Help or assist to convince it or him!!!

Malanova T.B.
12.07.2004, 11:11
Additional contraception is used only in the first month of reception OK, further it or this it is not required.