Просмотр полной версии : Many thanks for the answer. But I really meant preparation Djufaston...

09.07.2004, 12:49
Many thanks for the answer. But I really meant preparation Djufaston. I was mistaken, having named its or his contraceptive. But it is a hormonal preparation? The matter is that at me - predilection of an organism to education of cysts. Recently (on my imprudence) there was a hormonal failure, and my doctor has appointed or nominated to me hormonal therapy: Danol. The cyst has disappeared in 2 weeks after acceptance Danola. But the doctor recommends to continue treatment by hormones and has registered Djufaston. How much or as far as efektiven this preparation and whether is any contraindications? Very much I experience in occasion of reception of hormonal preparations. In advance I thank.

Irtuganov N.S.
10.07.2004, 08:49
Dear Svetlana! Yes, goromonalnoe. It is effective enough. Probably, the doctor also has appointed or nominated to you treatment in communication or connection with " predilection of an organism to education of cysts ". If you live in Moscow and wish get to me on reception can to write to me the letter, having specified phones. I shall necessarily call also we shall agree about consultation

Irtuganov N.S.
11.07.2004, 02:07
Dear Svetlana! Yes, goromonalnoe. It is effective enough. Probably, the doctor also has appointed or nominated to you treatment in communication or connection with " predilection of an organism to education of cysts ". If you live in Moscow and wish get to me on reception can to write to me the letter, having specified phones. I shall necessarily call also we shall agree about consultation

12.07.2004, 09:06
The dear doctor! I live not in Moscow. At all desire I can not get to you on reception. You could not consult me in absentia? Thanks.