Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Your help is very necessary to me. I have lost virginity about the ...

11.07.2004, 04:50
Hello. Your help is very necessary to me. I have lost virginity with the guy hardly less year back (it has occured or happened in day when at me almost came to an end monthly) But the matter is that after a while after deprivation of virginity, at me have changed allocation. They sometimes as ranshe-transparent, and inogda-zheltovato-brownish and with a unpleasant smell. And more monthly with 5 tidnevnyh were reduced on 2 h (and the subsequent 3 4 dnja-it is simple smears). I know, what is it not attributes of any disease passed sexual by, t. To. We with my guy already there is more than year together and all other attributes about itself already for a long time zaevili. Then, what is it? Respond, please! In advance to you it is grateful!

Soboleva L.I.
11.07.2004, 09:56
Hello, Valery! Very much many diseases passed sexual by do not prove time is long. Therefore address to the doctor and make analyses. It is much easier, than to guess.