Просмотр полной версии : Hello! On one of sites the following information is given: " Harmful can...

08.07.2004, 07:18
Hello! On one of sites the following information is given: " Harmful can be not only a disadvantage, but also excess of vitamins. The newest researches have shown, that excess of Retinolum (one of forms of vitamin A) raises or increases risk of occurrence at a fetus of defects of development of nervous system, kidneys, hearts, genitals and extremities. This form of vitamin contains in products of an animal parentage (especially - in a liver) and some grain cereals, and also in multivitamin preparations with the out-of-date formulas...
At purchase of the multivitamins specially intended for pregnant women, be convinced, that into their formula enters beta-Carotinum... "
In used by me Materne the Canadian manufacture besides beta-Carotinum vitamin A in a dose 1500 ME contains. Comment please on the above-stated.

Soboleva L.I.
08.07.2004, 10:15
Hello, Svetlana! It is perfect or absolute it agree that excess of vitamins is harmful. Vitamin A in greater or big doses can really cause a similar pathology. And Materna - at all the best preparation. I shall not speak, that he is dangerous, but it is better to not drink it or him during all pregnancy. One standard during pregnancy - is quite enough. Or leave it or him till the period of a lactemia.

10.07.2004, 01:54
The dear doctor! Thanks for the answer. To you I shall be very grateful, if you it or him specify (" One standard a little (?) during pregnancy - it is quite enough ") also will respond to one question:
And what polyvitaminic preparation the best from your point of view and whether it is necessary to accept it or him alongside with a ferriferous preparation with Acidum folicum at anemia I of a degree (HB 92 g/)?

Soboleva L.I.
11.07.2004, 05:52
I meant, that it is possible to drink up one packing materny and to stop reception of this preparation. As to Polyvitaminums - choose any. I, usually, advise to alternate or interleave. For example, Vitrum prenatal forte, and then - Hendevitum. If will drink Hendevitum it or he will be better for combining with iron preparations, Acidum folicum.