Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Anrej! I understand, that at you it is a lot of job, but I ask..

07.07.2004, 17:29
Dear doctor Anrej! I understand, that at you it is a lot of job, but I ask you to answer very important question on very complex or difficult disease. I any more do not know to itself to address (city small, I do not want publicity).
The question is sent from " Marrying on October, 29th 2004 00 : 19 : 55 ",
" Marrying on October, 29th 2004 01 : 28 : 02 "

11.07.2004, 05:28
Dear Marrying. On how much I know your disease has no genetic nature. It arises with frequency 1 on 30 40 tys the born children, and the reasons why can be nezakrytie a bladder at a fetation very much. Disease not pleasant, but people with it or him live not less, than healthy. On plastic or plasty of a belly-button and a sexual member you should consult at the surgeon of the urologist. How much is operation and where it or she can be made I to you I can not tell or say, but now surgeons simply work wonders. Certainly, only at survey to you can tell or say about expediency of operation and its or her efficiency
Probability of normal conception at an asthenospermia very small, but now there are methods EKO, allowing to have children at very low quantity or amount of teleorganic spermatozoons. If teleorganic spermatozoons are, children can be had. The technology is called ICSI (introcytoplasmic sperm injection - vnutretsitoplazmaticheskaja an injection of spermatozoons). This technology has been developed in Belgium in the beginning of the ninetieth and now widely widespread at many kinds of man's sterility or barrenness. She consists in that, under a microscope a teleorganic spermatozoon take away in mikroinektsionnuju a pipette, then pierce an ootid and enter it or him there. The percent or interest of normal pregnancy at this way of a fertilization same as well as at EKO and in normal clinics makes 30 35 %. Cost of this procedure in view of medicines, etc. makes 3 5 tys dollars in the USA and the Europe and to make it or her it is possible practically in any clinic engaged EKO. In Russia I do not know where do or make - call in Moscow, or Petersburg clinics engaged EKO and there for certain will help or assist you. Experts are not worse than in the West, and the percent or interest of success is not less. Besides to you can help or assist being based on concrete results of yours spermogrammy. And certainly, t. To. Your disease has no genetic nature, and most likely is connected with any factors which influenced your mother during pregnancy at your children all should be normal. Do not experience.