Просмотр полной версии : To me have diagnosed an adenomyosis. Whether he is divided or shared;parted into stages or kak-that eshch...

09.07.2004, 04:00
To me have diagnosed an adenomyosis. Whether he is divided or shared;parted into stages or kak-that still to understand in what now a status. To me in an extract have written simply an adenomyosis and have written out Djufaston for 6 months

Malanova T.B.
10.07.2004, 00:30
Yes, the endometriosis has stages of diffusion, but it is defined or determined during an operative measure. And djufaston is not a preparation of a choice of treatment of an endometriosis though it can be used in cases of a material incompetence of patients.

11.07.2004, 04:31
Dear Tatyana Borisovna! When to me have diagnosed an adenomyosis, have written out Logest, I accepted it or him 4 months. Has addressed repeatedly in the same clinic, but to other doctor. She wished to write out again to me OK, and has explained, that my disease should be treated hormonal preparations. I was against OK (me the contraceptive effect does not interest) then to me have written out Djufaston. And from your answers it is visible, that neither that, nor preparations do not use another for treatment of an adenomyosis. What for then to me them have written out? And how now to be? Besides during repeated visit have found out folikuljarnuju a cyst of the left ovary, and there were hormonal disturbances, speak reaction that I have stopped to accept Logest.