Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, that can mean nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly (I give...

10.07.2004, 00:44
Prompt, please, that can mean nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly (give to inguinal areas of legs or foots, in coccyx, sensation as though the full intestine and it it would be desirable in a toilet), begin gde-that on 13 14 j day and prior to the beginning of a menses. There was a laparoscopy (PKJA). How to facilitate these sensations, not having damaged or injured;hurt pregnancy if she happens, we plan the child. Thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
11.07.2004, 01:02
Hello, Lydia! If pains disturb you in the middle of a cycle most likely they are connected with an ovulation. It is possible to use nonsteroid antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparations (for example, diclofenac) in small doses.