Просмотр полной версии : One more question, is more exact the request to comment sledushchuju on a situation. At men...

09.07.2004, 11:48
One more question, is more exact the request to comment sledushchuju on a situation. At me, for example, the ovulation tomorrow, and two days ago at us with the husband was affinity and today we have decided to make love too. Thus we want the girl (certainly, we shall like the boy too very strongly, at us one already is, but all...). Knowing, what female spermatozoons go more slowly (for 3 days should reach destination), and man's is faster, what the probability, what at us will be the child of a desirable floor? On logic of things, man's will not overtake female, t. To. Those already probably send in addition or have reached 3 days prior to a place of expectation of an ootid. How you consider or count, whether my reasonings are correct or it is meaningful to wait with affinity, hoping, what there in general someone has survived?:)? Thanks.

10.07.2004, 20:26
If 2 days ago there was an affinity and at you the precise desire to conceive - contacts during an ovulation needs to be excluded the girl.