Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna, tell or say please, what dose of a gonovaccine it is necessary...

10.07.2004, 12:45
Dear Alla Mihajlovna, tell or say please, what dose of a gonovaccine needs to be stuck as provocation before delivery of a smear on various infetsii (including trihomoniaz). When the preparation will start to operate or work? And more one question, I accept logest 15 days, the acceptability of contact lenses has worsened, the nausea (in usually evening) and insignificant headaches disturbs. Whether will pass or take place these signs in the further or can it is necessary to stop reception of tablets. Thanks for the answer.

Pasenjuk A.M.
10.07.2004, 17:13
To be entered one ml gonovaccines, smears surrender for the second and third day.
About logesta - stioit to cancel a preparation, these are signs of by-effects.