Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Excuse for the vast letter but so it is easier to estimate or appreciate to a sieve...

09.07.2004, 00:02
The dear doctor! Excuse for the vast letter but so it is easier to estimate or appreciate a situation.
We with the husband plan the child. In October of the last year I have become pregnant, but I had an abortion. I have spent inspection and at me a question in occasion of US of a uterus (US it is spent in August, 2003 on 12 j day of a cycle, a cycle of 24 26 days). " The body of the womb in usual position, the sizes - 49, 36, 46 mm., the structure of a myometrium is changed, on a back wall is defined or determined miomatichesky the site in diameter of 15 mm., thickness of a functional layer of 8 mm., the left ovary 36 on 25 mm., with dominant or prepotent follicles in diameter of 18 mm., the right ovary 30 on 21 mm, with fine follicles. In a back crest or fornix of freedom. zhidk. In moderated or moderate kol-ve. " Mine vach has explained, that one ovary works for me only, and that I can become pregnant only time in 2 months. t. e. In August (when was US) I could become pregnant, and in September already was not present. Then in October I again can become pregnant. In this connection at me 2 questions: whether all is valid so? As you concern to the statement that " that month as when the child has been conceived (vposledstvie ended an abortion) is dangerous, and on sledjushchy year of this month it is necessary to avoid ", in other words in October I cannot become pregnant. Thanks you in advance for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
10.07.2004, 13:59
The statement about job only one ovary have no under itself any bases, just as the subsequent reflections. And here up to pregnancy next it is necessary to be surveyed on nevynashivaniju necessarily.