Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me under analyses it is raised or increased DGEA (at norm or rate 3, 6 display...

09.07.2004, 03:11
Hello, the doctor! At me under analyses it is raised or increased DGEA (at norm or rate 3, 6 parameter has made 4, 6) and slightly Testosteron-Depotum. Other analyses: hormones, infections, smears, genetic compatibility and spermogramma - in norm or rate. A cycle of regular 25 28 days. Pregnancy came from " first time ". The first beremennost-an abortion of 10 weeks, 2 I - abortion on term of 4 weeks (is not present sertsebienija), 3 I - abortion on term of 4 weeks (not developing, suspicion on anembrioniju). Whether can ONLY raised or increased DGEA to give such picture or it is necessary to hand over any else analyses in addition? (Hormonal treatment during beremennostej and up to them was not spent, t. To. The analysis on hormones was done or made after 3 pregnancies)

Malanova T.B.
10.07.2004, 13:36
Yes, at you st giperandrogenija which should be corrected or adjusted up to pregnancy and treatment proceeds on a background of pregnancy.