Просмотр полной версии : Hello, dear misters doctors! Help or assist to disassemble, please...

05.07.2004, 13:56
Hello, dear misters doctors! Help or assist to understand, please, with our situation. During pregnancy at inspection doctors have found only a ureaplasmosis, which has been treated by nyxes tsifazalina (if I am not mistaken), at least before sorts or labors all analyses were pure or clean. In connection with that it was necessary to treat erosion which has appeared still davnym-for a long time and me spoke, that she congenital, and up to the first sorts or labors we did not treat it or her, in a year after a birth (when has terminated to nurse) has gone in ZHK with the purpose to cure this erosion. After survey and the analysis on a cytology, have sent to check on the latent infections as the doctor did not understand the reason of occurrence of erosion. After the spent provocation (the gonovaccine, 3 days) were found out chlamydias and HRV (a virus of herpes). The doctor in ZHK has told or said, that the herpes and are the reason of erosion. At the husband all is pure or clean (he was checked by method PTSR, and was not even found at me at pregnancy of ureaplasmas). After bakposeva sensitivity of chlamydias to ofloksatsinu has come to light. So, course of treatment: tsikloferron 2.0 v/m ch/z day - 10 nyxes, fromelid 500 mg 1. 2 r. In d. - 10 days, after it or him ofloksin 200 - 1 t. 2 r. In d. - 10 days, mikosist 150 mg. On 10 and 20 day, gepabene 1 t. 3 r. In d. - 20 days, mezim-forte 1 t. 3 r. In d. - 20 days, suppositories terzhinan for night of 10 days, suppositories with Methyluracilum for night of 20 days, lineks 2 t. 3 r. In d. - 20. Days. Total 20 days, then in a month the repeated analysis. Now questions:
1. How much adequately given treatment, whether not too is a lot of medicines if to consider, what people in the same conference specified twice less names?
2. Why at the husband all is pure or clean? Whether it is necessary to him to be treated, can to him too it is necessary make provocation by a gonovaccine and then this muck will get out?
3. Why in a maternity home have not found neither herpes nor chlamydias as they it is absolutely exact then were (to catch after I simply not could for the objective reasons).
4. Erosion and we do not treat, though the cytology was not so good. The doctor has told or said, that yet we shall not cure a chlamydia for erosion and we shall not undertake. Means, risk of occurrence of malignant educations below, than risk of development of a clamidiosis? Why to not treat erosion, in fact time goes?
5. Time the reason of erosion - herpes it is necessary to treat and it or him, however the doctor has told or said, that the herpes are not treated. It is the truth? Though, similar, mikosist in purposes or appointments it is an antimicotic preparation.
6. Not I have not found in one drugstore ofloksin 200, whether it is possible to replace it or him with other preparation which offer in a drugstore (for example, Ofloksatsin-ICN)? What is better?
In advance I thank for attention, thanks for answers.

Malanova T.B.
09.07.2004, 03:05
1. If smears on flora at you normal, pure or clean erosion can be treated. 2. What means, what there are changes in a cytology? 3. For specification of a situation with a clamidiosis and VPG it is necessary to hand over a blood on these infections method IFA. Probably, any treatment to spend and it is not necessary. 4. Treatment very superfluous and not absolutely rational. 5. The reason of erosion, most likely, a banal infection.

10.07.2004, 10:15
Tell or Say, please, well even vreda-that from such treatment will not be, time it very superfluous and not absolutely rational???? And than vse-taki it is possible to replace ofloksin???