Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I wish to hand over analyses in Pasteur's center. Whether you collided or faced with these or it...

08.07.2004, 20:41
Good afternoon! I wish to hand over analyses in Pasteur's center. Whether you collided or faced with this center that can tell or say about quality of carrying out of analyses. Than differ
1. Bacteriological research (crop on bakfloru, definition of sensitivity to antibiotics + mushrooms with sensitivity to antibiotics)
2. Research of a microflora vaginalnogo separated
3. A full microscopy
To what can do or make of analyses for check at an itch, a swelling, boleznenom an emiction.

10.07.2004, 07:47
Worked with several establishments of a similar level and I can tell or say, what is it one of the leading centers (we too use its or his laboratories). But it is necessary to solve to your treating gynecologist, whether there is a necessity for such quantity or amount of analyses. In fact, the extremity or end of the extremities or ends, he them will estimate and appoint or appreciate and appoint;estimate and nominate;appreciate and nominate treatment. Can be eat other problems and necessity for other inspections.