Просмотр полной версии : First of all - congratulations all zhenzinam, to girls - to doctors and " virtualn...

Svetlana, Kaliningrad
08.07.2004, 23:09
First of all - congratulations all zhenzinam, to girls - to doctors and "virtual" patients.
Happiness, success, HEALTH!
In many respects owing to conferences on 03. ru has given birth zdorovenkogo to the robust fellow (tfu-fie) four months ago. And now I face to a problem - how to not fly once more... On abortion would not be desirable to go very much - it seems to me - I and I shall not go on it or him, I shall give birth or I shall travail. But to be protected - I do not know as. e. In an ice crust. Time we use with the husband condoms - but in fact all zhihn them not napolzueshsja...
That professionals would advise first of all, and girls - share experience!
Mum advises a spiral, but heard, that consequences happen worse, than to do or make abortion. In advance thanks all not ignored this posjuu about the help.

Pasenjuk A.M.
09.07.2004, 11:49
If you feed the child will approach or suit or VMK (it is counter-indicative at inflammations of ovaries, a chronic inflammation in a uterus and a vagina, at a plentiful menses), or mini-drank or saw (mikroljut, ekskljuton). If do not feed. Is better to pick up microdosed out OK