Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Very sad questions. At me 26 weeks beremennost...

07.07.2004, 23:20
Hello, the doctor!
Very sad questions. At me 26 weeks of pregnancy. When was registered the doctor in ZHK has told or said, that at me the colpitis, a thrush are required additional analyses. But no trouble is not present, it is possible to leave pregnancy. Has handed over analyses in 3 - a lot of slime, a coccal microflora. Has written out analyses on 2500. At once hand over I could not. Today has received results. It has appeared have found almost all. I in a shock. Whether to cry, whether to get divorced from husband, as after last sorts or labors I handed over analyses in institute of microbiology, and at me have not found anything - herpes, gardenelly, neither mycoplasmas, nor chlamydias, etc. Since then there have passed or there have taken place 3 years. Today's results have shown:
1. Herpes Herpes Simplex Vorus of II type - sl. polozh. 2 +
2. TSMV - sl. polozh 2 +
3. Candida stafilyl. +
4. DNA of M frachomax - will put.
5. Mycoplasmas - sl. A floor. 103
6. Ureaplasmas - sl. A floor. 103

Here that I could disassemble on the form of analyses.
Advise, than to be treated. On last reception ZHK, the doctor to me has allowed to test " the new form of a preparation " - Dalacin Vaginal Ovule (3 sht). Still results of crop and sensitivity to antibiotics were not known, therefore I yet did not begin to apply a medicine. Whether there is a necessity to apply this medicine. Whether it is harmful at pregnancy. I am afraid to go too far in antibiotics.
Please, help or assist, me to understand with my situation.
Whether I can accuse the husband, or these infections could appear at me other ways. (for these or it 3 years I did not apply antibiotics, and practically nothing hurted or was ill;was sick). Hygiene daily.

08.07.2004, 23:54
The usual industry on vytrjasaniju money from "patient". What divorce, Alina? How it is possible to trust vrachihe which ON the PREGNANT WOMAN tries or tastes " the new form "? Calm down, trust the husband. Also REPLACE the DOCTOR. And then give birth to the healthy child.