Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. Situation such at us with the wife two children. Both were born through...

08.07.2004, 07:57
Good afternoon.
Situation such at us with the wife two children. Both were born through "cesarean". Now the wife, having bought or purchased in a drugstore the test, was convinced, that is pregnant. It gde-those 3 4 weeks from conception. Therefore to an occasion a heap of questions.
Question the first: till now the wife has a spiral. How quickly it or she should be removed and whether she can (spiral) and a way of conception - through a spiral to damage or injure;hurt to development of the child?
Question of the second: at a birth of the first has not revealed enough shejka the uteruses, doctors most likely have not allowed to give birth or travail to the second normally, were reinsured and prokesarili. The third too for certain will go the same by. Whether it is dangerous to the wife? To her now 35 years. To the second child 4 years, to the first 8.
The third question: at the wife the third group, a negative rhesus, at me the third, positive. After the second child there was a compelled or forced abortion (about 3 years ago). Gde-the wife read that, that with such rhesus and after abortion to give birth or travail it is impossible. Confirm or deny it pozhalusta.
And last question: what of vitamins (preferably Russian) it is possible and it is necessary to accept to the wife?
Many thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.07.2004, 22:28
1. If pregnancy has attacked background VMK it or him do not delete, and conduct pregnancy on background VMK (though it is recommended to interrupt basically such pregnancy, can be developmental anomalies)
2. Considering a break between sorts or labors natural labors are possible or probable, but considering age, VMK, rezus-the conflict, high risk of a hysterorrhesis on cicatrix and developments of complications - only cesarean section.
3. To give birth or travail it is possible, but whether it is necessary? The risk of developmental anomalies (age is very high!!! + VMK), the risk of discontinuing beermennosti, bleedings is high.
4. Komplivit.
ADVICE or COUNCIL - beermennost is better to interrupt and be protected by oral contraceptives.