Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me have made cesarean section two years ago. Whether It is possible already sno...

05.07.2004, 23:37
Hello! To me have made cesarean section two years ago. Whether It is possible to become pregnant and give birth or become pregnant and travail again already. What, in your opinion, the best term to wait after sorts or labors? The previous pregnancy 3 under the bill. First two were stood, after them treated ureoplazmu. Instead of so a long time has treated a mycoplasma. We with the husband wish to get or start the second child. The indication to cesarean section was jagodichno-smeshanoe position of a fetus. Many thanks! Dosvidanija!

06.07.2004, 18:15
At you optimum term for planning ber-ti. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

Ph. 101 45 00. Street Don, d. 28 (m. SHabolovskaja).

08.07.2004, 20:11
Many thanks, Feodor Nikolaevich!